Employment opportunities at the Ladysmith School District and the Rusk County Memorial Hospital brought us to the Ladysmith area. Jack was the US History teacher and baseball coach while Jackie worked as a nurse and high school guidance counselor. Over the years, while raising our two children, we have been involved with various groups and activities which helped to make a difference in our community and in turn had a positive impact on our lives.
After living in Rusk County for fifty years, we call it home and have watched past community members generously give to make Rusk County a great place to live and raise a family. We wanted to emulate those donors by starting our own fund.
Our mission is to support those endeavors which make a caring Christian impact on our community and its residents. We are especially interested in helping to fund education, health and wellness causes.
Upon our death, we would like memorials to be placed in our fund for future granting focusing on Rusk County community needs. We liked the fact that well after we are gone, our fund will keep on giving into perpetuity to the causes that we promoted during our lifetime.