Enriching Our Communities Forever

Anita & George Lawrence Covenant Fund

In 2018, the Anita and George Lawrence Covenant Fund was established with the Rusk County Community Foundation as a Designated Endowment Fund (LEEF). When George was asked why they established this fund, he shared the following:

“We all want our children to make good choices but for us adults its often a bit more complicated: for us will it be a new Tesla, or will a Kia get us there and back safely? In today’s economy, we can choose between a three bedroom, two bath home for $79,000 or a three bedroom, two bath home in the country or on the lake for $579,000; or perhaps it’s that trip to who knows where that will only be a one-time charge on Mastercard or Visa for $14,000. A trip we can tell our friends and family about for years to come. My wife, Anita and I found the shorter excursions can be some of the best!’

“Before Anita passed away in 2016, after teaching in the Ladysmith School District for 27 years, we had decided that retirement would be more about giving than receiving. We have all heard people say,” I’ve worked hard for what I’ve got!” To that I’d say, “who hasn’t worked hard?” Many people, if not most, work themselves to the grave and have nothing to show for it, living a hand to mouth existence hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.”

“Our family of five has found encouragement for giving through scripture verses such as found in Luke 6:33 “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measured, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap. With the measure back to you. “Then again in 2 Corinthians 9:7. “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Make good choices! Be wise in your selfless giving! We would rather give our money away than throw it away.

If you subscribe to our philosophy, feel free to donate to the RCCF fund. As a family we support “Anita Is Well”, the Ladysmith Education Enrichment Fund, Powerhouse, Care Net, Imago Dei Academy, and many other local nonprofits.”

GIVE365 Grants Awarded

On May 23, 2024, the Ladysmith Park Lions Amphitheater was the site for the annual GIVE 365 Grant Presentations. Each year the GIVE 365 members

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Volunteer of the Year 2024

Rusk County Community Foundation and Rusk Chamber of Commerce Announce Volunteer of the Year Jessica Wiles, a lifelong resident of Rusk County, embodies the true

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