The Rusk County Community Foundation (RCCF) provides an easy, secure, and effective way for people to give to the causes which matter to them most, while creating a fund which will assure their legacy. We provide donors the flexibility to donate the following assets in a way that qualifies for the maximum tax advantages under federal law:
- cash
- online through our cart
- appreciated securities, bonds and stocks
- charitable transfer from your IRA in lieu of mandatory minimum distribution
- illiquid assets such as real estate, homes, farms or remainder interests
- beneficiary designations on your IRA, 401(k), 403 (b) pension plan and life insurance
- annuities
- testamentary bequest through will or trusts
Types of Funds

Designated Fund: allows donors to support a specific nonprofit organization, church, school or program within a charity.

Donor Advised Fund: allow individuals, families, and businesses to choose which causes or charities they will support year to year with the earnings from their fund.

Field of Interest Fund: targets the donor’s gift to address needs in an important area of community life. Areas may include cultural arts, education, environment, health and human services, youth and senior programming, animal welfare or preservation of resources. The donor identifies the cause they want to support when making their gift. The Foundation board awards grants to community organizations and programs that are making a difference in the area that reflects the donor’s wishes.

Unrestricted Fund: allows the donor’s charitable giving to have the greatest possible impact now and in the future. The Foundation is authorized to allocate gifts to a variety of programs and services, giving the most flexibility in responding to emerging needs and opportunities in Rusk County while honoring your family’s legacy.

Agency Fund: Nonprofit organizations, such as schools, churches, charities and clubs, create their own endowed professional investment services to support their missions.
Acorn Fund: An Acorn fund is a starter fund that grows over time, with a maximum of five years to become fully funded. When contributions and earnings reach the minimum donation for the specific type of fund (i.e. Donor Advised, Unrestricted, etc.), granting can begin. Minimum of $500 to establish; amount to become fully funded varies.
legacy circle

The Legacy Circle
The Legacy Circle recognizes a special group of donors who have made a provision in their estate plans to benefit their favorite charitable cause through the Rusk County Community Foundation.
Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to benefit the Rusk County region. We can provide you and your financial adviser simple language to include in your will or other planned giving vehicles. Your future gift can be made in the form of cash, stock, or property, whether specific or by percentage; a gift of real estate, a gift in trust to benefit family members during their lives, or a gift of the remainder of an estate when other specific bequests have been fulfilled.
A bequest is:
- Flexible – You can change your mind at any time.
- Economical – Your charitable gift is excluded from your assets for estate tax purposes.
- Personal – Your gift can be placed into any of our existing endowment funds or you can create a fund for your specific charitable purpose.
- Permanent – Your gift, and all future earnings from your gift, is a permanent source of community capital, helping to do good work forever.
Joining The Legacy Circle helps to ensure that future generations will continue to enjoy a vital and caring community. It’s simple and flexible. There is no minimum or maximum gift. While we hope Legacy Circle members will allow us to list their names, you may choose to remain anonymous. You do not need to share the amount of your gift. Although if you wish to create a fund for a specific purpose, a confidential conversation with our staff can ensure your intentions will be met.
How to get started.
- Discuss your estate plan with your financial or legal advisor.
- Contact RCCF at 715-210-4446 for sample language to include in your will, trust or other deferred gifts.
- Notify us when your estate plan is complete and we will send you a Statement of Donor Intent.
Rusk County Community Foundation
P.O. Box 54
Ladysmith, WI 54848
Please indicate on checks which fund(s) you wish to apply them to and in what proportion.